Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

"It's tempting to give up -- but your energy is just about due for a profound change for the better, so make sure you keep at it. Losing ground is worse for you than usual on a day like today!"

Wasn't a day full of energy for me.  With losing an hour this weekend due to Daylight Savings, still a bit tired.  Did have trouble keeping my focus on things today.

Turns out that we are doing the basketball tourney brackets at work.  I logged in to the site and the brackets do not include the official first round that starts on Tuesday.  Those four games are just play-in games to make the official field.  Did have to hurry and get things started.  Luckily, Lorenzo offered his assistance to Frank and I which will make things easier.

Last week, the director sent out an email regarding the strategic planning leadership group and a change in some of the teammembers.  I approached Mari Anne with some questions and what she thought if I decided to 'apply'.  She thought it would be a good idea and suggested that I talk with someone that is currently part of the group.  On Friday, I did email Bryan and he replied sharing his thoughts.  I'm considering it.  I decided that I was wanting to get some new experiences at work.  Need to email the director by the 25th so I have a little time to think about it.

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