Monday, June 14, 2010

Bodie Island & Oregon Inlet

Sorry for not posting the last few days. Just haven't had the time to get online. Will try to post a few updates

Friday - June 11, 2010

We made a stop at the Oregon Inlet which is between Bodie Island and Hatteras Island. It is spanned by the Bonner Bridge which is under discussions for replacement due to age and deterioration. We stopped on the Hatteras Island and walked along the bridge. There is a walkway that is used by fisherman. The old lifesaving station is currently under renovation. Last year they "dug" it out of the sand and are restoring and will use as a museum. In the past it was used as a restaurant but is being restored to original design.

We then headed to the Bodie Island Lighthouse which is also currently under renovation. When restoration is done, you will be able to climb. YEAH! About 5 or 6 years ago, metalwork at the top had 'rotted' and broke off. They barricaded to prevent you from getting near.

Lighthouse with the Keeper's House.

There is a walkway by the lighthouse which takes you back to the marshes and has a nice overlook. Got a great photo of Avrey which is hard to do. He was actually smiling and happy.

A view of the overlook through the grasses and brush.

Will try to post about Saturday, Sunday and today as soon as I can.

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